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why i am obsessing over a tiny asian woman. and why you should join me

It's Saturday morning. 9:10AM. I want everyone to leave. Now. Not that this is a unique feeling for me; I often wish everyone would leave. Pretty much every day. I actually adore Monday mornings because everyone has to go back to work and school. Mommy loves you .... It's now 9:28AM. I am feeling a bit desperate as I maniacally pack snacks and try to wrangle Georgia's hair so it's less nest-like. I work very hard to not say something to Andy Blackford like:I get these kids fed and dressed and brushed and kissed and hugged and homeworked and backpacked all by myself every single day and it doesn't take me three hours to do it so why in God's name are you still standing in the kitchen looking at the PAPER? I succeed - a miracle. 10:14 AM. This must be what it feels like when one is planning a clandestine affair except my secret crush is Marie Kondo author of Spark Joy and The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

Marie Kondo is all about organizing your space once and for all so you can live a life of peace and happiness. Peace and happiness! The exact thing we all want. She is a national phenomenon and I am a now a super-fan. I know deep in my heart that we could be friends. Real friends. The kind of friends I could be with Ellen and Oprah and Tom Brokaw. Tight.

I am counting the minutes until I can pull everything out of my closet and say a sweet but swift goodbye to those items that no longer bring me joy. And I cannot wait. But I can't do it with four kids in the house and a husband who thinks I don't see him rolling his eyes. His reflection is right there in the microwave. Amateur.

They leave. To say I am thrilled is an understatement. This happens:

I feel a combination of excitement and utter shame. So many clothes that really mean nothing to me. Things I bought just because. Items that never gave me that little thrill.

I move forward reminding myself that everything starts with one little step.

I decide the next step is to rip everything off of the hangars.

Then I make another pot of coffee and drink the entire thing. And I start talking to my clothes saying things like Oh hi you pretty thing,

You can stay, Thank you for last summer but it's time to say goodbye. I am in heaven.

Stay tuned dear readers. For those of you who know me well organization is a combination of true love and therapy and obsession and more true love.

I am going to document this process because I am using my own space as a test run. Even though organization is big part of the services I offer at The Neighbor's House having a tiny Japanese woman's expertise is only going to make us all that much better. And then we can sit around and eat jasmine rice and talk nicely to our shoes. Magic ensues.

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