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Before & After: This Teacher Lounge Goes from a D-Minus to A+

I'm still confused about basketball players making a bazillion dollars and teachers making the complete opposite of a bazillion dollars. Have you ever been inside a classroom of five year-olds? I have. It's exhausting. So many little people with big personalities. So many questions and random statements like "Octopuses have three hearts" and "Maya eats crayons."

Franklin Elementary has been our school for eight years - and we have three more to go. All four of my little people have attended or are currently attending. Back-to-school night is my jam.

James' first day at Franklin

James' first day at Franklin

Georgia's first day of school (she got sick an hour later and had to come home)

I love this school; the entire staff exudes humor and kindness and care. These are people who don't get frazzled by girl drama or vomit, which oftentimes feels like the very same thing.

What I didn't love was the teacher lounge because...


and this

and this

No good. Mauve (yes, I said it) walls, plastic tablecloths, mismatched furniture, lighting that didn't even work and broken bookcases.

This room was barely passing...teetering near a D-.

All this space needed was a little after school help. We took away the tired plaid chair, added fresh paint, updated the accessories, hung a few art pieces and brought in new furniture.

Progressive Painting gave us an amazing deal because they love teachers:

And Classic Iterations built the table at cost and delivered it for nothing because they love teachers too:

A former Franklin student took the pinwheel photo years ago and I use it often:

My children and kids from our neighborhood helped unbox and build all the chairs:

In the rain:

And because of all that love for teachers and hard work from lots of people, the space looks like this:

Three Of A Kind Design custom-made the Walt Whitman piece:

We found a photo of the very first Franklin staff:

We give this special space for special people an A+. And to all of you out there who are taking care of our most prized possessions, thank you.

(And to all your parents out there, you will appreciate this video.)

See you next time at The Neighbor's House!

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